
{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module foundation-core.homotopies where
open import foundation-core.functions
open import foundation-core.identity-types
open import foundation-core.universe-levels


A homotopy of identifications is a pointwise equality between dependent functions.


module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {X : UU l1} {P : X  UU l2} (f g : (x : X)  P x)

  eq-value : X  UU l2
  eq-value x = (f x  g x)

  map-compute-path-over-eq-value :
    {x y : X} (p : x  y) (q : eq-value x) (r : eq-value y) 
    ((apd f p)  r)  ((ap (tr P p) q)  (apd g p))  tr eq-value p q  r
  map-compute-path-over-eq-value refl q r =
    inv  (concat' r (right-unit  ap-id q))

map-compute-path-over-eq-value' :
  {l1 l2 : Level} {X : UU l1} {Y : UU l2} (f g : X  Y) 
  {x y : X} (p : x  y) (q : eq-value f g x) (r : eq-value f g y) 
  (ap f p  r)  (q  ap g p)  tr (eq-value f g) p q  r
map-compute-path-over-eq-value' f g refl q r = inv  concat' r right-unit

map-compute-path-over-eq-value-id-id :
  {l1 : Level} {A : UU l1} 
  {a b : A} (p : a  b) (q : a  a) (r : b  b) 
  (p  r)  (q  p)  (tr (eq-value id id) p q)  r
map-compute-path-over-eq-value-id-id refl q r s = inv (s  right-unit)
module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : A  UU l2}

  _~_ : (f g : (x : A)  B x)  UU (l1  l2)
  f ~ g = (x : A)  eq-value f g x



module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : A  UU l2}

  refl-htpy : {f : (x : A)  B x}  f ~ f
  refl-htpy x = refl

  refl-htpy' : (f : (x : A)  B x)  f ~ f
  refl-htpy' f = refl-htpy

Inverting homotopies

  inv-htpy : {f g : (x : A)  B x}  f ~ g  g ~ f
  inv-htpy H x = inv (H x)

Concatenating homotopies

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : A  UU l2}

  _∙h_ : {f g h : (x : A)  B x}  f ~ g  g ~ h  f ~ h
  (H ∙h K) x = (H x)  (K x)

  concat-htpy :
    {f g : (x : A)  B x} 
    f ~ g  (h : (x : A)  B x)  g ~ h  f ~ h
  concat-htpy H h K x = concat (H x) (h x) (K x)

  concat-htpy' :
    (f : (x : A)  B x) {g h : (x : A)  B x} 
    g ~ h  f ~ g  f ~ h
  concat-htpy' f K H = H ∙h K

  concat-inv-htpy :
    {f g : (x : A)  B x} 
    f ~ g  (h : (x : A)  B x)  f ~ h  g ~ h
  concat-inv-htpy = concat-htpy  inv-htpy

  concat-inv-htpy' :
    (f : (x : A)  B x) {g h : (x : A)  B x} 
    (g ~ h)  (f ~ h)  (f ~ g)
  concat-inv-htpy' f K = concat-htpy' f (inv-htpy K)

Whiskering of homotopies

htpy-left-whisk :
  {l1 l2 l3 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {C : UU l3}
  (h : B  C) {f g : A  B}  f ~ g  (h  f) ~ (h  g)
htpy-left-whisk h H x = ap h (H x)

_·l_ = htpy-left-whisk

htpy-right-whisk :
  {l1 l2 l3 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {C : B  UU l3}
  {g h : (y : B)  C y} (H : g ~ h) (f : A  B)  (g  f) ~ (h  f)
htpy-right-whisk H f x = H (f x)

_·r_ = htpy-right-whisk

Note: The infix whiskering operators _·l_ and _·r_ use the middle dot · (agda-input: \cdot \centerdot), as opposed to the infix homotopy concatenation operator _∙h_ which uses the bullet operator (agda-input: \.). If these look the same in your editor, we suggest that you change your font. For a reference, see How to install.

Horizontal composition of homotopies

module _
  {l1 l2 l3 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {C : UU l3}
  {f f' : A  B} {g g' : B  C}

  htpy-comp-horizontal : (f ~ f')  (g ~ g')  (g  f) ~ (g'  f')
  htpy-comp-horizontal F G = (g ·l F) ∙h (G ·r f')

  htpy-comp-horizontal' : (f ~ f')  (g ~ g')  (g  f) ~ (g'  f')
  htpy-comp-horizontal' F G = (G ·r f) ∙h (g' ·l F)

Transposition of homotopies

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : A  UU l2} {f g h : (x : A)  B x}
  (H : f ~ g) (K : g ~ h) (L : f ~ h) (M : (H ∙h K) ~ L)

  inv-con-htpy : K ~ ((inv-htpy H) ∙h L)
  inv-con-htpy x = inv-con (H x) (K x) (L x) (M x)

  inv-htpy-inv-con-htpy : ((inv-htpy H) ∙h L) ~ K
  inv-htpy-inv-con-htpy = inv-htpy inv-con-htpy

  con-inv-htpy : H ~ (L ∙h (inv-htpy K))
  con-inv-htpy x = con-inv (H x) (K x) (L x) (M x)

  inv-htpy-con-inv-htpy : (L ∙h (inv-htpy K)) ~ H
  inv-htpy-con-inv-htpy = inv-htpy con-inv-htpy

Associativity of concatenation of homotopies

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : A  UU l2} {f g h k : (x : A)  B x}
  (H : f ~ g) (K : g ~ h) (L : h ~ k)

  assoc-htpy : ((H ∙h K) ∙h L) ~ (H ∙h (K ∙h L))
  assoc-htpy x = assoc (H x) (K x) (L x)

  inv-htpy-assoc-htpy : (H ∙h (K ∙h L)) ~ ((H ∙h K) ∙h L)
  inv-htpy-assoc-htpy = inv-htpy assoc-htpy

Unit laws for homotopies

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : A  UU l2}
  {f g : (x : A)  B x} {H : f ~ g}

  left-unit-htpy : (refl-htpy ∙h H) ~ H
  left-unit-htpy x = left-unit

  inv-htpy-left-unit-htpy : H ~ (refl-htpy ∙h H)
  inv-htpy-left-unit-htpy = inv-htpy left-unit-htpy

  right-unit-htpy : (H ∙h refl-htpy) ~ H
  right-unit-htpy x = right-unit

  inv-htpy-right-unit-htpy : H ~ (H ∙h refl-htpy)
  inv-htpy-right-unit-htpy = inv-htpy right-unit-htpy

Inverse laws for homotopies

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : A  UU l2}
  {f g : (x : A)  B x} (H : f ~ g)

  left-inv-htpy : ((inv-htpy H) ∙h H) ~ refl-htpy
  left-inv-htpy = left-inv  H

  inv-htpy-left-inv-htpy : refl-htpy ~ ((inv-htpy H) ∙h H)
  inv-htpy-left-inv-htpy = inv-htpy left-inv-htpy

  right-inv-htpy : (H ∙h (inv-htpy H)) ~ refl-htpy
  right-inv-htpy = right-inv  H

  inv-htpy-right-inv-htpy : refl-htpy ~ (H ∙h (inv-htpy H))
  inv-htpy-right-inv-htpy = inv-htpy right-inv-htpy

Distributivity of inv over concat for homotopies

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : A  UU l2} {f g h : (x : A)  B x}
  (H : f ~ g) (K : g ~ h)

  distributive-inv-concat-htpy :
    (inv-htpy (H ∙h K)) ~ ((inv-htpy K) ∙h (inv-htpy H))
  distributive-inv-concat-htpy x = distributive-inv-concat (H x) (K x)

  inv-htpy-distributive-inv-concat-htpy :
    ((inv-htpy K) ∙h (inv-htpy H)) ~ (inv-htpy (H ∙h K))
  inv-htpy-distributive-inv-concat-htpy =
    inv-htpy distributive-inv-concat-htpy

Naturality of homotopies with respect to identifications

nat-htpy :
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {f g : A  B} (H : f ~ g)
  {x y : A} (p : x  y) 
  ((H x)  (ap g p))  ((ap f p)  (H y))
nat-htpy H refl = right-unit

inv-nat-htpy :
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {f g : A  B} (H : f ~ g)
  {x y : A} (p : x  y) 
  ((ap f p)  (H y))  ((H x)  (ap g p))
inv-nat-htpy H p = inv (nat-htpy H p)

nat-htpy-id :
  {l : Level} {A : UU l} {f : A  A} (H : f ~ id)
  {x y : A} (p : x  y)  ((H x)  p)  ((ap f p)  (H y))
nat-htpy-id H refl = right-unit

inv-nat-htpy-id :
  {l : Level} {A : UU l} {f : A  A} (H : f ~ id)
  {x y : A} (p : x  y)  ((ap f p)  (H y))  ((H x)  p)
inv-nat-htpy-id H p = inv (nat-htpy-id H p)

A coherence for homotopies to the identity function

module _
  {l : Level} {A : UU l} {f : A  A} (H : f ~ id)

  coh-htpy-id : (H ·r f) ~ (f ·l H)
  coh-htpy-id x = is-injective-concat' (H x) (nat-htpy-id H (H x))

  inv-htpy-coh-htpy-id : (f ·l H) ~ (H ·r f)
  inv-htpy-coh-htpy-id = inv-htpy coh-htpy-id

Homotopies preserve the laws of the action on identity types

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : A  UU l2} {f g h : (x : A)  B x}

  ap-concat-htpy :
    (H : f ~ g) (K K' : g ~ h)  K ~ K'  (H ∙h K) ~ (H ∙h K')
  ap-concat-htpy H K K' L x = ap (concat (H x) (h x)) (L x)

  ap-concat-htpy' :
    (H H' : f ~ g) (K : g ~ h)  H ~ H'  (H ∙h K) ~ (H' ∙h K)
  ap-concat-htpy' H H' K L x =
    ap (concat' _ (K x)) (L x)

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : A  UU l2} {f g : (x : A)  B x}
  {H H' : f ~ g}

  ap-inv-htpy :
    H ~ H'  (inv-htpy H) ~ (inv-htpy H')
  ap-inv-htpy K x = ap inv (K x)

Laws for whiskering an inverted homotopy

module _
  {l1 l2 l3 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {C : UU l3}

  left-whisk-inv-htpy :
    {f f' : A  B} (g : B  C) (H : f ~ f') 
    (g ·l (inv-htpy H)) ~ inv-htpy (g ·l H)
  left-whisk-inv-htpy g H x = ap-inv g (H x)

  inv-htpy-left-whisk-inv-htpy :
    {f f' : A  B} (g : B  C) (H : f ~ f') 
    inv-htpy (g ·l H) ~ (g ·l (inv-htpy H))
  inv-htpy-left-whisk-inv-htpy g H =
    inv-htpy (left-whisk-inv-htpy g H)

  right-whisk-inv-htpy :
    {g g' : B  C} (H : g ~ g') (f : A  B) 
    ((inv-htpy H) ·r f) ~ (inv-htpy (H ·r f))
  right-whisk-inv-htpy H f = refl-htpy

  inv-htpy-right-whisk-inv-htpy :
    {g g' : B  C} (H : g ~ g') (f : A  B) 
    ((inv-htpy H) ·r f) ~ (inv-htpy (H ·r f))
  inv-htpy-right-whisk-inv-htpy H f =
    inv-htpy (right-whisk-inv-htpy H f)

Reasoning with homotopies

Homotopies can be constructed by equational reasoning in the following way:

  f ~ g by htpy-1
    ~ h by htpy-2
    ~ i by htpy-3

The homotopy obtained in this way is htpy-1 ∙h (htpy-2 ∙h htpy-3), i.e., it is associated fully to the right.

infixl 1 homotopy-reasoning_
infixl 0 step-homotopy-reasoning

homotopy-reasoning_ :
  {l1 l2 : Level} {X : UU l1} {Y : X  UU l2}
  (f : (x : X)  Y x)  f ~ f
homotopy-reasoning f = refl-htpy

step-homotopy-reasoning :
  {l1 l2 : Level} {X : UU l1} {Y : X  UU l2}
  {f g : (x : X)  Y x}  (f ~ g) 
  (h : (x : X)  Y x)  (g ~ h)  (f ~ h)
step-homotopy-reasoning p h q = p ∙h q

syntax step-homotopy-reasoning p h q = p ~ h by q

See also