Pointwise addition of morphisms of abelian groups

module group-theory.addition-homomorphisms-abelian-groups where
open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.identity-types
open import foundation.universe-levels

open import group-theory.abelian-groups
open import group-theory.homomorphisms-abelian-groups


Morphisms of abelian groups can be added pointwise. This operation turns each hom-set of abelian groups into an abelian group. Moreover, composition of abelian groups distributes over addition from the left and from the right.


Pointwise operations on morphisms between abelian groups

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} (A : Ab l1) (B : Ab l2)

  add-hom-Ab :
    type-hom-Ab A B  type-hom-Ab A B  type-hom-Ab A B
  pr1 (add-hom-Ab f g) x = add-Ab B (map-hom-Ab A B f x) (map-hom-Ab A B g x)
  pr2 (add-hom-Ab f g) x y =
    ( ap-add-Ab B
      ( preserves-add-hom-Ab A B f x y)
      ( preserves-add-hom-Ab A B g x y)) 
    ( interchange-add-add-Ab B
      ( map-hom-Ab A B f x)
      ( map-hom-Ab A B f y)
      ( map-hom-Ab A B g x)
      ( map-hom-Ab A B g y))

  zero-hom-Ab : type-hom-Ab A B
  pr1 zero-hom-Ab x = zero-Ab B
  pr2 zero-hom-Ab x y = inv (left-unit-law-add-Ab B (zero-Ab B))

  neg-hom-Ab : type-hom-Ab A B  type-hom-Ab A B
  pr1 (neg-hom-Ab f) x = neg-Ab B (map-hom-Ab A B f x)
  pr2 (neg-hom-Ab f) x y =
    ( ap (neg-Ab B) (preserves-add-hom-Ab A B f x y)) 
    ( distributive-neg-add-Ab B (map-hom-Ab A B f x) (map-hom-Ab A B f y))

Associativity of pointwise addition of morphisms of abelian groups

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} (A : Ab l1) (B : Ab l2)

  associative-add-hom-Ab :
    (f g h : type-hom-Ab A B) 
    Id ( add-hom-Ab A B (add-hom-Ab A B f g) h)
       ( add-hom-Ab A B f (add-hom-Ab A B g h))
  associative-add-hom-Ab f g h =
    eq-htpy-hom-Ab A B
      ( λ x 
        associative-add-Ab B
          ( map-hom-Ab A B f x)
          ( map-hom-Ab A B g x)
          ( map-hom-Ab A B h x))

Commutativity of pointwise addition of morphisms of abelian groups

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} (A : Ab l1) (B : Ab l2)

  commutative-add-hom-Ab :
    (f g : type-hom-Ab A B)  Id (add-hom-Ab A B f g) (add-hom-Ab A B g f)
  commutative-add-hom-Ab f g =
    eq-htpy-hom-Ab A B
      ( λ x  commutative-add-Ab B (map-hom-Ab A B f x) (map-hom-Ab A B g x))

Unit laws for pointwise addition of morphisms of abelian groups

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} (A : Ab l1) (B : Ab l2)

  left-unit-law-add-hom-Ab :
    (f : type-hom-Ab A B)  Id (add-hom-Ab A B (zero-hom-Ab A B) f) f
  left-unit-law-add-hom-Ab f =
    eq-htpy-hom-Ab A B  x  left-unit-law-add-Ab B (map-hom-Ab A B f x))

  right-unit-law-add-hom-Ab :
    (f : type-hom-Ab A B)  Id (add-hom-Ab A B f (zero-hom-Ab A B)) f
  right-unit-law-add-hom-Ab f =
    eq-htpy-hom-Ab A B  x  right-unit-law-add-Ab B (map-hom-Ab A B f x))

Inverse laws for pointwise addition of morphisms of abelian groups

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} (A : Ab l1) (B : Ab l2)

  left-inverse-law-add-hom-Ab :
    (f : type-hom-Ab A B) 
    Id (add-hom-Ab A B (neg-hom-Ab A B f) f) (zero-hom-Ab A B)
  left-inverse-law-add-hom-Ab f =
    eq-htpy-hom-Ab A B  x  left-inverse-law-add-Ab B (map-hom-Ab A B f x))

  right-inverse-law-add-hom-Ab :
    (f : type-hom-Ab A B) 
    Id (add-hom-Ab A B f (neg-hom-Ab A B f)) (zero-hom-Ab A B)
  right-inverse-law-add-hom-Ab f =
    eq-htpy-hom-Ab A B  x  right-inverse-law-add-Ab B (map-hom-Ab A B f x))

Distributivity of composition over pointwise addition of morphisms of abelian groups

module _
  {l1 l2 l3 : Level} (A : Ab l1) (B : Ab l2) (C : Ab l3)

  left-distributive-comp-add-hom-Ab :
    (h : type-hom-Ab B C) (f g : type-hom-Ab A B) 
    Id ( comp-hom-Ab A B C h (add-hom-Ab A B f g))
       ( add-hom-Ab A C (comp-hom-Ab A B C h f) (comp-hom-Ab A B C h g))
  left-distributive-comp-add-hom-Ab h f g =
    eq-htpy-hom-Ab A C
      ( λ x 
        preserves-add-hom-Ab B C h (map-hom-Ab A B f x) (map-hom-Ab A B g x))

  right-distributive-comp-add-hom-Ab :
    (g h : type-hom-Ab B C) (f : type-hom-Ab A B) 
    Id ( comp-hom-Ab A B C (add-hom-Ab B C g h) f)
       ( add-hom-Ab A C (comp-hom-Ab A B C g f) (comp-hom-Ab A B C h f))
  right-distributive-comp-add-hom-Ab g h f =
    eq-htpy-hom-Ab A C  x  refl)