Matrices on rings

module linear-algebra.matrices-on-rings where
open import elementary-number-theory.natural-numbers

open import foundation.identity-types
open import foundation.universe-levels

open import linear-algebra.constant-matrices
open import linear-algebra.functoriality-matrices
open import linear-algebra.matrices
open import linear-algebra.vectors
open import linear-algebra.vectors-on-rings

open import ring-theory.rings



module _
  {l : Level} (R : Ring l)

  matrix-Ring :     UU l
  matrix-Ring m n = matrix (type-Ring R) m n

The zero matrix

module _
  {l : Level} (R : Ring l)

  zero-matrix-Ring : {m n : }  matrix-Ring R m n
  zero-matrix-Ring = constant-matrix (zero-Ring R)

Addition of matrices on rings

module _
  {l : Level} (R : Ring l)

  add-matrix-Ring : {m n : } (A B : matrix-Ring R m n)  matrix-Ring R m n
  add-matrix-Ring = binary-map-matrix (add-Ring R)


Addition of matrices is associative

module _
  {l : Level} (R : Ring l)

  associative-add-matrix-Ring :
    {m n : } (A B C : matrix-Ring R m n) 
    Id ( add-matrix-Ring R (add-matrix-Ring R A B) C)
       ( add-matrix-Ring R A (add-matrix-Ring R B C))
  associative-add-matrix-Ring empty-vec empty-vec empty-vec = refl
  associative-add-matrix-Ring (v  A) (w  B) (z  C) =
    ap-binary _∷_
      ( associative-add-vec-Ring R v w z)
      ( associative-add-matrix-Ring A B C)

Addition of matrices is commutative

module _
  {l : Level} (R : Ring l)

  commutative-add-matrix-Ring :
    {m n : } (A B : matrix-Ring R m n) 
    Id (add-matrix-Ring R A B) (add-matrix-Ring R B A)
  commutative-add-matrix-Ring empty-vec empty-vec = refl
  commutative-add-matrix-Ring (v  A) (w  B) =
    ap-binary _∷_
      ( commutative-add-vec-Ring R v w)
      ( commutative-add-matrix-Ring A B)

Left unit law for addition of matrices

module _
  {l : Level} (R : Ring l)

  left-unit-law-add-matrix-Ring :
    {m n : } (A : matrix-Ring R m n) 
    Id (add-matrix-Ring R (zero-matrix-Ring R) A) A
  left-unit-law-add-matrix-Ring empty-vec = refl
  left-unit-law-add-matrix-Ring (v  A) =
    ap-binary _∷_
      ( left-unit-law-add-vec-Ring R v)
      ( left-unit-law-add-matrix-Ring A)

Right unit law for addition of matrices

module _
  {l : Level} (R : Ring l)

  right-unit-law-add-matrix-Ring :
    {m n : } (A : matrix-Ring R m n) 
    Id (add-matrix-Ring R A (zero-matrix-Ring R)) A
  right-unit-law-add-matrix-Ring empty-vec = refl
  right-unit-law-add-matrix-Ring (v  A) =
    ap-binary _∷_
      ( right-unit-law-add-vec-Ring R v)
      ( right-unit-law-add-matrix-Ring A)