
module order-theory.preorders where
open import foundation.cartesian-product-types
open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.functions
open import foundation.identity-types
open import foundation.negation
open import foundation.propositions
open import foundation.universe-levels


A preorder is a type equipped with a reflexive, transitive relation that is valued in propositions.


Preorder : (l1 l2 : Level)  UU (lsuc l1  lsuc l2)
Preorder l1 l2 =
  Σ ( UU l1)
    ( λ X 
      Σ ( X  X  Prop l2)
        ( λ R 
          ( (x : X)  type-Prop (R x x)) ×
          ( (x y z : X) 
            type-Prop (R y z)  type-Prop (R x y)  type-Prop (R x z))))

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} (X : Preorder l1 l2)

  type-Preorder : UU l1
  type-Preorder = pr1 X

  leq-Preorder-Prop : (x y : type-Preorder)  Prop l2
  leq-Preorder-Prop = pr1 (pr2 X)

  leq-Preorder : (x y : type-Preorder)  UU l2
  leq-Preorder x y = type-Prop (leq-Preorder-Prop x y)

  is-prop-leq-Preorder : (x y : type-Preorder)  is-prop (leq-Preorder x y)
  is-prop-leq-Preorder x y = is-prop-type-Prop (leq-Preorder-Prop x y)

  concatenate-eq-leq-Preorder :
    {x y z : type-Preorder}  x  y  leq-Preorder y z  leq-Preorder x z
  concatenate-eq-leq-Preorder refl = id

  concatenate-leq-eq-Preorder :
    {x y z : type-Preorder}  leq-Preorder x y  y  z  leq-Preorder x z
  concatenate-leq-eq-Preorder H refl = H

  le-Preorder-Prop : (x y : type-Preorder)  Prop (l1  l2)
  le-Preorder-Prop x y =
    prod-Prop (¬ (x  y) , is-prop-neg) (leq-Preorder-Prop x y)

  le-Preorder : (x y : type-Preorder)  UU (l1  l2)
  le-Preorder x y = type-Prop (le-Preorder-Prop x y)

  is-prop-le-Preorder :
    (x y : type-Preorder)  is-prop (le-Preorder x y)
  is-prop-le-Preorder x y =
    is-prop-type-Prop (le-Preorder-Prop x y)

  refl-leq-Preorder : (x : type-Preorder)  leq-Preorder x x
  refl-leq-Preorder = pr1 (pr2 (pr2 X))

  transitive-leq-Preorder :
    (x y z : type-Preorder) 
    leq-Preorder y z  leq-Preorder x y  leq-Preorder x z
  transitive-leq-Preorder = pr2 (pr2 (pr2 X))

Reasoning with inequalities in preorders

Inequalities in preorders can be constructed by equational reasoning as follows:

calculate-in-Preorder X
  x ≤ y
      by ineq-1
      in-Preorder X
    ≤ z
      by ineq-2
      in-Preorder X
    ≤ v
      by ineq-3
      in-Preorder X

Note, however, that in our setup of equational reasoning with inequalities it is not possible to mix inequalities with equalities or strict inequalities.

infixl 1 calculate-in-Preorder_chain-of-inequalities_
infixl 0 step-calculate-in-Preorder

calculate-in-Preorder_chain-of-inequalities_ :
  {l1 l2 : Level} (X : Preorder l1 l2)
  (x : type-Preorder X)  leq-Preorder X x x
calculate-in-Preorder_chain-of-inequalities_ = refl-leq-Preorder

step-calculate-in-Preorder :
  {l1 l2 : Level} (X : Preorder l1 l2)
  {x y : type-Preorder X}  leq-Preorder X x y 
  (z : type-Preorder X)  leq-Preorder X y z  leq-Preorder X x z
step-calculate-in-Preorder X {x} {y} u z v =
  transitive-leq-Preorder X x y z v u

syntax step-calculate-in-Preorder X u z v = u  z by v in-Preorder X