Equality of dependent pair types

{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module foundation-core.equality-dependent-pair-types where
open import foundation-core.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation-core.equivalences
open import foundation-core.functions
open import foundation-core.homotopies
open import foundation-core.identity-types
open import foundation-core.universe-levels


An identification (pair x y) = (pair x' y') in a dependent pair type Σ A B is equivalently described as a pair pair α β consisting of an identification α : x = x' and an identification β : (tr B α y) = y'.


module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : A  UU l2}

  Eq-Σ : (s t : Σ A B)  UU (l1  l2)
  Eq-Σ s t = Σ (pr1 s  pr1 t)  α  tr B α (pr2 s)  pr2 t)


The type Id s t is equivalent to Eq-Σ s t for any s t : Σ A B

  refl-Eq-Σ : (s : Σ A B)  Eq-Σ s s
  pr1 (refl-Eq-Σ (pair a b)) = refl
  pr2 (refl-Eq-Σ (pair a b)) = refl

  pair-eq-Σ : {s t : Σ A B}  s  t  Eq-Σ s t
  pair-eq-Σ {s} refl = refl-Eq-Σ s

  eq-pair-Σ :
    {s t : Σ A B} 
    (α : pr1 s  pr1 t)  tr B α (pr2 s)  pr2 t  s  t
  eq-pair-Σ {pair x y} {pair .x .y} refl refl = refl

  eq-pair-Σ' : {s t : Σ A B}  Eq-Σ s t  s  t
  eq-pair-Σ' p = eq-pair-Σ (pr1 p) (pr2 p)

  isretr-pair-eq-Σ :
    (s t : Σ A B) 
    ((pair-eq-Σ {s} {t})  (eq-pair-Σ' {s} {t})) ~ id {A = Eq-Σ s t}
  isretr-pair-eq-Σ (pair x y) (pair .x .y) (pair refl refl) = refl

  issec-pair-eq-Σ :
    (s t : Σ A B)  ((eq-pair-Σ' {s} {t})  (pair-eq-Σ {s} {t})) ~ id
  issec-pair-eq-Σ (pair x y) .(pair x y) refl = refl

    is-equiv-eq-pair-Σ : (s t : Σ A B)  is-equiv (eq-pair-Σ' {s} {t})
    is-equiv-eq-pair-Σ s t =
        ( pair-eq-Σ)
        ( issec-pair-eq-Σ s t)
        ( isretr-pair-eq-Σ s t)

  equiv-eq-pair-Σ : (s t : Σ A B)  Eq-Σ s t  (s  t)
  equiv-eq-pair-Σ s t = pair eq-pair-Σ' (is-equiv-eq-pair-Σ s t)

    is-equiv-pair-eq-Σ : (s t : Σ A B)  is-equiv (pair-eq-Σ {s} {t})
    is-equiv-pair-eq-Σ s t =
        ( eq-pair-Σ')
        ( isretr-pair-eq-Σ s t)
        ( issec-pair-eq-Σ s t)

  equiv-pair-eq-Σ : (s t : Σ A B)  (s  t)  Eq-Σ s t
  equiv-pair-eq-Σ s t = pair pair-eq-Σ (is-equiv-pair-eq-Σ s t)

  η-pair : (t : Σ A B)  (pair (pr1 t) (pr2 t))  t
  η-pair t = eq-pair-Σ refl refl

Lifting equality to the total space

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : A  UU l2}

  lift-eq-Σ :
    {x y : A} (p : x  y) (b : B x)  (pair x b)  (pair y (tr B p b))
  lift-eq-Σ refl b = refl

See also